Angelo Iacono
Angelo Iacono
Member of Parliament for Alfred-Pellan
MPs’ duties

In the Chamber

42nd Parliament, House of Commons Chamber in session

MPs help make Canada’s laws by debating and voting on bills. They represent their constituents' views by presenting petitions, making statements and asking questions.

In committee

Committee work is an important part of an MP’s job. During committee meetings, MPs look at bills in greater depth and study issues of national interest.

The MP for Alfred-Pellan, Angelo Iacono, sits on the Standing Committee on Transport, Infrastructure and Communities (TRAN) and the Standing Joint Committee on the Library of Parliament (BILI).

In caucus

During caucus meetings, MPs from the same party discuss national issues to determine parliamentary strategy. They ask questions of their leader and explain the views of their constituents.

MPs from the same area also discuss common issues and priorities at regional caucus meetings.

The MP for Alfred-Pellan is the Treasurer for the Quebec Liberal Caucus and the National Liberal Caucus.

Interparliamentary groups and associations

Interparliamentary groups and associations promote Canada’s interests abroad and strengthen relations between Canadian parliamentarians and those in the countries concerned, fostering mutual cooperation and understanding.

The MP for Alfred-Pellan, Angelo Iacono, is:

Main office - Laval
3131, Boul. de la Concorde East Suite 300
Laval, Quebec
H7E 4W4


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Hill Office
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6


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